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am-wicked-adshel-2-w359h154Ever wondered how advertisements and up on bus shelters, railway networks, or generally anywhere out of home.

These tried, tested and loved solutions deliver you high reach and frequency, Plus they are economical, While still being one of the most effective forms of outdoor advertising.

If you want to up steaks panorama these are perfect you can take out an entire bus shelter creating a mini billboard at eye-level.

These are visually striking displays that allow for long-term positioning in desirable areas of the market. Simulating sales near point of purchase locations.


  • Public transport stops & Train Station Surroundings
  • Largest street furniture footprint in Australia.
  • Street presence allows you to target the local area
  • Street presence also allows you to cover both in-mall retailers and those on the street, so Point of Purchase and Path to Purchase
  • Hand selecting panels allows for no wastage
  • Outdoor advertising is unavoidable, it cannot be turned over, turned off or thrown away
  • Panels are fully illuminated 24/7

“Transit media covers 95% of Australias Bus and tram network, giving your media plan real momentum”